Throat Chakra Levels 1 and 2
Course Details
Quick Links
Study Materials
- Level 1 – 1 printable and interactive PDF manual – 57 pages (includes theory, pictures, diagrams, practical activities, puzzles, quizzes and worksheets)
- Level 2 – 1 printable and interactive pdf manual – 69 pages (includes theory, pictures, practical activities, quizzes, worksheets and meditation sound files)
- Access to the Student Portal on our website
- Access to our private student Facebook group
- Email tutorial assistance – Monday to Friday during business hours
Syllabus - Level 1
Unit 1 Throat Chakra Altar
This unit is all ‘hands on’. With the guidance of the course notes, you are going to create a throat chakra altar that is personalised to your needs.
This altar will be used throughout levels 1 and 2 of the throat chakra courses for meditation, to enhance the wellbeing of your throat chakra; and for manifesting.
Unit 2 Live in the Present
Are you mostly living in the past, present or future? Sometimes it’s not so obvious. Our mind can be sneaky in catapulting us into the past or future, and in the process distracting us from the clarity of presence.
This unit explains the ways in which we live in the past and future; and provides guidance on how to stay mindfully present.
Unit 3 Creativity
Creativity. It fulfils the mind; engages the soul, soothes our emotions. It’s also an enjoyable means of balancing the throat chakra.
This unit looks at a variety of ways of stimulating your creativity for inspiration, joy, mindfulness and relaxation.
Unit 4 Ether
Does your throat chakra need to receive energy or release it? You’ll learn how to identify the type of healing you need for your throat chakra at this point in your life; and then you’ll apply it to heal and balance; as well as soothe and inspire your soul.
Unit 5 Truth
Are you being true to yourself? And what does that even mean?
Take the quiz and determine to what degree you are living your truth; and identify those areas in which you would benefit from more self-honesty. You’ll then apply a simple technique, in order to gain guidance in that particular aspect of self and truth.
Unit 6 Open Mind
You only get one lifetime to be the person you are in this incarnation. So make it count. Keeping your mind open enables you to fully appreciate and understand all the varied and wonderful experiences that come your way. In this unit you’ll learn what it is to be open minded, close minded or even too open minded.

Syllabus - Level 2
Unit 1 Overactive Balanced Underactive
Is your throat chakra overactive, underactive or balanced? Does it need calming or boosting?
This interactive unit provides you with an overall picture of how balanced your throat chakra is and the areas that you may need to address.
Unit 2 Mandala
This unit you will take what you learnt about your throat chakra in Unit 1, and apply this knowledge to create your own personalised throat chakra mandala.
Using colour therapy, your mandala will be created to suit your wellbeing needs, depending on whether your throat chakra requires calming or boosting.
Unit 3 Free your Expression
What remains unexpressed can shackle us to the past; keep us stagnant in the present; and cloud our vision of the future.
This unit aims to clear those obstacles and shift any blocks or imbalances within your throat chakra. In the process, you will also deepen your understanding of self and others, as well as tap into your intuition.
Unit 4 Take Ownership
We gladly take ownership of material items – our homes, our car, our phone. We feel a sense of security and control – an empowerment – when we ‘own’ things.
So it would stand to reason that if we also take ownership of the intangible – our thoughts, our behaviours, reactions – this this too would empower us. And it does.
This unit explores the various ways in which we can take ownership of ourselves and our life.
Unit 5 Inner Voice
‘Eat the chocolate’. ‘Have some more’ ‘HAVE IT ALL”. Recognise that voice? We all have it. It’s our ‘bad’ inner voice; the little cartoon devil on your shoulder; who keeps company with the little cartoon angel on your other shoulder, your ‘good’ inner voice.
Good and bad is straightforward. Or is it? Life is not so black and white and right and wrong are only separated by a neck.
This unit helps you to distinguish between that good and bad inner voice; enabling you in the process to recognise when it’s more likely to be your intuition talking and how to connect to it.
Unit 6 Throat Chakra Meditation
This interactive meditation combines soulful music, sound and words that resonates with the throat chakra; to strengthen it, encourage healthy energy flow and restore balance; enabling your chakra to be in line with your intentions and goals.

Minimum Duration: Each level has a 2 week minimum duration. It is recommended that students allow approximately one month to complete each level. A one month study schedule is included in each course should you like to use it as a guide.
Hours of Study: Each level has 15 hours of study and training, however this may vary depending on the student’s study pace.
Study Format
Home Study – Students will complete the entire course from home, with tutorial assistance available via email (Mon-Fri), and access to our private student Facebook group; and our Student Portal which contains a myriad of resources to assist students with their studies.
Manuals – Each level contains reading material and learning activities, both theory and practical, that the student can complete at their own leisure. (There are no assignments or homework to be submitted with the short courses).
Exam – Each level has an open book online multiple choice exam to be completed at the end of the course. Students only need to complete the exam if they want to receive a Certificate of Completion. The exam can be repeated if required.
Course Fee Options (Incl. GST)
Per Level:
- Throat Chakra Level 1: $85 (concession $75)
- Throat Chakra Level 2: $85 (concession $75)
* Students must be 16 years of age or older to enrol in the short courses. (Enrolments may be accepted for students under 16 with parental permission)
** Students under 18 are eligible for concession – proof of age required. Students 18 and over are eligible for concession if they have a health care card from Centrelink.
Note: Due to the impact of Covid 19, we will not be requiring proof of concession status for the time being. Concession fees are offered on a trust basis to any student that has experienced financial hardship due to Covid 19.
General Information
The short courses are components of the Diploma in Spiritual Counselling. Students that complete any of the short courses, will receive credit, should they wish to continue their studies with the Diploma in Spiritual Counselling.
- All course fees are in Australian dollars and inclusive of GST. Payment options (without GST are available to students living outside of Australia).
- All payments are strictly non refundable.
- Government funding such as Austudy and Centre Link study allowance are not available with these courses.
windows & mac Computer/software requirements for the manuals:
- Recent or the latest version of Adobe Reader (this can be downloaded free from the internet);
- A sound card (this usually comes already installed on a computer)
- Internet access is required to download your manuals; to access the Student Portal and complete the online multiple choice exam.