Third Eye Chakra Level 1
Book List
The best recommendations are peer based ones; and with that in mind, we have compiled a list of books and websites from recommendations made by Natural Energies College tutors, students and graduates.
The resources within this list are not essential reading for the course itself and the College does not necessarily endorse all information contained within. The list is provided for students that would like to expand their knowledge on a particular topic or explore the various concepts and perspectives within holistic health and wellbeing. We all resonate to different concepts and beliefs and as such we recommend that you read online reviews for books prior to purchase.
Developing your Intuition
- Develop Your Medical Intuition: Activate Your Natural Wisdom for Optimum Health and Well-Being by Sherrie Dillard
- 365 Ways to Develop Your Psychic Ability: Simple Tools to Increase Your Intuition & Clairvoyance by Alexandra Chauran
- Visual Intelligence: Sharpen Your Perception, Change Your Life by Amy E. Herman
Changing your relationship to stress
- Bouncing Back: Rewiring Your Brain for Maximum Resilience and Well-Being by Linda Graham
- Success Under Stress by Sharon Melnick
- Stress-Proof by Mithu Storoni
Calming the mind
- Calm: Calm the Mind. Change the World by Michael Acton Smith
- Yoga for Anxiety: Meditations and Practices for Calming the Body and Mind by Mary NurrieStearns, Rick NurrieStearns
- The Getting Things Done Workbook by David Allen, Brandon Hall
- Magnificent Mind at Any Age: Natural Ways to Unleash Your Brain’s Maximum Potential – Treat Anxiety, Depression, Memory Problems, ADD, and Insomnia by Daniel G. Amen M.D.
- BOOST YOUR MEMORY PROGRAM : Extraordinary full guide step by step Applies new scientific concepts of neurobehavioral sciences for self empowerment by Vernon Kahaneman
Third eye meditations
- Your Clairvoyance Practice | Third Eye Activation Guided Meditation
- Guided Meditation: Opening The Third Eye Chakra
- Sleep Meditation Guided, Third Eye Spirit Dream Activation, Enlightenment, Visualization
Developing your Intuition
- Developing Your Intuition
- Test Your Intuition #1 | Intuitive Exercise
- The Intuition Test! Fun exercises to flex your intuitive muscle.
- In order to change your life, you need to learn this first.
- Change Your Perspective and Change Your Story